Heavyweight Title
At last nights RevPro Highstakes event at York Hall, Will Osprey defeated Zack Sabre Jr for the British Heavyweight title, avenging his loss at NJPW’s New Beginnings show earlier this month and finally winning the British Heavyweight championship. The title was on the line for first time at York Hall since Novemeber 2018 and it’s the first time since 2016 that the titled has changed hands at RevPro’s premiere venue, York Hall. As one of the last remaining promotions in the UK and Europe not at on some level working with the WWE, RevPro has relied heavily on its relationship with the Japanese Company NJPW. So much so the last 6 champions have been NJPW competitors, Katsuyori Shibata, Tomhoro Ishi, Minoru Suzuki, Hirioshi Tanahashi as well as Sabre and now Osprey, with most of the title changes happening on NJPW shows.
Other title changes
Along with the Heavyweight title, there were 2 other title changes at yesterday event; a new RevPro British Crusierweight was crowned when, Michel Oku (OJMO) defeated bullet club member El Phantasmo. As well as a new British Womens Champion in Canadian star Giselle Shaw who beat Zoey Lucas to win her first title in the UK. The South Side Speedking title was also on the line but was successfully defended Ricky Knight Jr as he was able to overcome Robbie X, the Tag Team Champions Great O-Kharn and Rampage brown managed to retain their titles by defeating Deputy Dunne and David Star.
Also at the Event
Dan Moloney defeated Jeff Cobb in a one on one heavyweight contest, International stars LA Park and Eddie Kingston squared off in no hold barred match that saw LA Park win with some interference from “Mad” Kurt Chapman. Finally ROH star Mark Haskins won a 6 man scramble match that also featured, Chris Brookes, Carlos Romo, Kurt Chapman, Hikeulo and Kyle Fletcher, Mark Haskins was able to win after interference from his wife Vikki Haskins and Gideon grey.
My Opinion
It is fantastic to see the RevPro Heavyweight title defended at a RevPro event, it was even better to see the title actually change hands on British Soil. I was expecting NJPW to have Will Osprey win a heavyweight title of some description after an amazing 2019, I would’ve liked to have seen Osprey win either the Intercontinental or US title as they feel a little more prestigious in the company, also would have been nice to see another British talent hold the title for sometime in the UK, maybe someone like Haskins, currently working full time in ROH and with their connection to NJPW would mean the title could be used on all 3 shows. With the other title changes, Giselle Shaw is an amazing talent so I'm sure she will be good champion. I don’t really get the fuss with the OJMO, he is talented but not amazing, but nice to see the title being held by a British competitor. There is still a lot of great British Talent not currently signed to the WWE and I think many are much better than some on NXT UK, talents like Chris Brookes, Kyle Fletcher and the recently let go Dan Moloney. Hopefully companies such as NJPW, ROH and AEW can pick up some of these talents who deserve more attention than they currently getting.
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