Two weeks ago I would have had no intention of watching this, let alone reviewing this. The trailers did little to entice me and the whole Robin saying "F*ck Batman" in the first trailer just flat out put me off. BUT. Last weekend I let curiosity get the better of me and I gave the first episode a try. Guess what? I was wrong. The trailers didn't do the show justice, Robin's line was taken out of context and the show proved to be the most addictive comic book show (at least to me) since the first season of Daredevil. My way of grading that? I ended up watching the entire season over the course of one weekend! So, I'm going to give you my score for Titans early (a solid 10/10), then get into the goods and bads of the show. Be warned, there will be spoilers.
The Good
Titans was very character-driven - In short, I cared about every character on the show and was genuinely invested in all the twists and turns they had to endure
Starfire's modernisation - There was a big deal made about Starfire not being orange like she is in the source material but how they handled her and how they revealed she was from a different planet worked perfectly
Hawk and Dove - two of DC's 80s heroes, Hawk and Dove (in both of their first two line-ups) were wonderfully handled and I, for one, would love to see them get their own spin-off.
The Doom Patrol - I loved the Doom Patrol's introduction in Titans. Loved it. They've already got a spin-off launching in February and I'll definitely be catching that as it comes out.
Donna Troy - I wasn't expecting her to turn up, let alone get a full episode dedicated to her (and her to be referenced as the former Wonder-Girl)
Bruce, Clark, Diana - The trinity of the DC Universe are usually left out of the DC shows (see; Arrow and Flash - Bruce only got introduced this season in their big crossover). Titans does not shy away from Robin's relationship with Batman.
Jason F*cking Todd - This was handled incredibly well and set the stage for Dick's eventual transformation into Nightwing
The Post Credits Scene - Connor's coming and he's bringing Krypto with him!
The Bad
The ending. Don't get me wrong, it was good but didn't feel like a conclusion and left me really wanting to see what happens next (which is also a good thing)
The needless killing - one complaint I have is Robin talking about how Bruce would never cross that line and chastising Jason for seeming to do the same, but also maiming, crippling and flat out murdering criminals throughout the season.
Not getting the Nightwing transition that everyone expected - when Jason Todd was announced as meeting Dick Grayson in the middle of the season, it was expected that Dick would end the season by suiting up as Nightwing after casting off his Robin identity. It didn't happen but looks to be the first thing they'll do in Season 2.
Batman - while not technically a bad thing, the whole Batman showdown in the finale was a halucinagenic encounter brought on by Trigon to ensnare Dick in his control. This was good, but you never got a good enough glimpse of the Bat.
Overall thoughts and ranking: Easily a solid 10/10 - The bad points weren't necessarily bad points and the season got me hooked and made me want to watch Season 2. All characters were cast perfectly and the overall feel of the show was perfect to modernise the concept of the Titans.