The show opens with a decent enough video package to get you hyped for the upcoming matches, but first impressions count and you can see they do not have the same budget for the production as the likes of WWE or AEW, but it was decent enough. Second impression really reminds you that you’re not watching one of the big two, this is not a massive sold out stadium and if I am to be honest it just looks like one of their usual TV Venues. The announce team is Rich Bocchini and AJ Kirsch. I really do miss having Cornette on commentary for MLW.
Great way to start, out come the Dynasty. MJF and Richard Holliday are fantastic on mic and they did great job of riling up the crowd. MJF is eating up the accolades thanks to his exposure to main stream audience with AEW and rightfully deserved. Richard Holliday is also fantastic working with MJF and his promo game has improved so much. With great lines about the Von Erichs beimg fake Texans, as they live in Hawaii and they obviously can’t even afford shoes, a dig at Marshall who does wrestle bare foot. They’re better than us and we know it. They really come off as smug little entitled arseholes, who you just wish you could punch. Thankfully the Von Erichs come out and do just that, just as MJF goes to spout some more garbage Marshall Clobbers him to get the first match started.
Texas Tornado Tag Team Championship Match
Tag Team Champions The Dynasty (MJF and Richard Holiday) Vs The Von Erichs (Ross and Marshal Von Erich)
Couple of quick notes 1) I do feel the champion(s)should always enter the ring last, but I will let it go for this one as the Dynasty got in a great promo, 2) I do prefer a traditional tag match to a tornado style, I feel they help to create better psychology and Drama, but again I will let it go as despite this they were able to lay out a good match. Dynasty took advantage when they took out Marshall the bigger of the Von Erichs thanks to bell shot and power bomb to the apron with Richard Holliday displaying his great power to do so. This left the smaller of two Von Erichs Ross (Who looks likes a Jacked version of Mark Andrews) the Dynasty then were able to to double team poor Ross. This gave them a chance to get some real heel heat, but the babyface Ross would not stay down, kicking out every attempted pin fall. Finally Marshall recovers and is able to get back in the ring to save his younger brother for great Babyface come back, eventually leading to the Claw Suplex combination to put MJF away. Great to see as MJF had mocked to claw during the opening promo. Ross had attempted the Claw earlier whilst he was in the ring and MJF was on the apron, MJF showed great innovation pulling back on the middle ring rope and releasing causing the ring rope to hit poor Ross on his bits. Ouch. But the Von Erichs come out on top meaning we have new MLW tag team champions, I hope this isn’t the end of MJF in MLW but with the loss of the tag titles it could mean MJF is heading to AEW full time.
Verdict: 3.5 out of 5 Stars
A quick emotional package from Bryan Pillman Jr and Davy Boy Smith Jr, as Bryan prepares mentally and phyisically ready for his Match with Loki, Davy Boy recounts stories of watching Bryan Pillman Snr train at the Hart Dungeon with his father, I thought this was really touching and will be more to this later in PPV.
6 Man Tag (Lucha Trios Match)
Injustice (Kotto Brazil, Myron Reed and Jordan Oliver Vs Team Lucha (Gringo Loco, Septimo Dragon and Puma King)
I found out the other day whilst listing to Jim Cornette’s Pod Cast that the difference between a traditional tag match and Lucha Tag Match is you do not need to actually tag your partner. Meaning who ever is in the ring is the legal man as long as there is only one of you in the ring at one time.
However that rule seemed to out the window from the off in this match, it just went a million miles an hour with double team moves, flips and dives similar to what we’re seeing over at AEW. All these competitors are extremely athletic and are able to perform some fantastic moves, in particular Gringo Loco and Puma King who do not look like your typical Lucha or high flyers. But if I am honest the match was kinda all over place and difficult to keep track of, fair play to the production team that tried to keep the action on Camera, Eventually the body protector that Myron Reed is currently wearing comes into play and Injustice finally take control of the match, this finally slows the pace down, but it does not last long as the babyface’s make a come back, and were back to moves and dives even a couple of false finishes. Injustice takes back control agian with a few dives of their own, an incredible cutter from Myron Reed to Gringo Loco from inside to outside the ring, followed by a couple of big moves from Jordan and Kotto, finally finished by a spring board 450 from Myron to pick up the pin.
Verdict: 2 out 5 Stars
Middleweight title match
Champion Teddy Hart vs Austin Aires
Nice package to remind how this match came about, stating that this is considered a dream match by most, and it is. Both these superstars have had issues during their careers but both are phenomenal competitors. They really could do it all, the only things that have held them back is their size and their personal issues. Teddy Hart whose ring attire was god awful, also brings his cat to the ring during his entrance and whilst seeing the cat back stage again, Austin Aires takes advantage on Hart with a suicide dive. The main talking point of the match was the neck injury of Hart caused by Austin Aries and Hart sold this throughout the match like a Pro, after a short comeback from Hart, Aries hits him with a death valley driver on the apron to further injure Hart’s neck. As he Starts to unleash his full arsenal of moves looking to put Hart way, with pinfall attempts and the last chancery submission Hart fights through with crowd firmly behind the sympathetic babyface, Aires plays heel so well. Hart comes back again with another flurry of moves, including a suplex cutter and a powerbomb lung blower reminding us all he is father’s son as his execution of moves was excellent. After Aries crashes and burns on a suicide dive, he plays unconscious and tries to surprise roll up Hart for the victory only for Hart to kick out and hit the Canadian destroyer for the pinfall, imagine that one Canadian destroyer and its over as it should be.
Verdict: 3.5 stars out of 5
A Promo from Contra follows the Match, Josef Samuel is another who is fantastic at drawing heat off a promo as he tells Teddy Hart he now has a target on his back before telling the Von Erich boys that they (Contra) have not forgot about them. Then he hypes up the main event Jacob Fatu vs LA Park but rather than calling it a match he referred to it as public execution, great work.
MLW take time to advertise their upcoming Women’s division it will be interesting to see who signs up with them but good to see another promotion with a Women's division, I don’t think Jordan Grace will be there if they continue to work with Jim Cornette.
Singles Match
Bryan Pillman Vs Low Ki
Fantastic tribute by Bryan as he makes his entrance in his fathers Hollywood blonde jacket, this match up was all about the cocky rookie vs the stoic veteran and both Pillman and Low Ki play these roles perfectly. As the cocky rookie Pillman does come of as the heel in match, taking an early advantage over Low Ki but unable to put him away he becomes frustrated. Low Ki takes advantage of this frustration with a flurry of strikes eventually leading to a referee stoppage. This has been a common theme recently with Low Ki matches and I do like adding that little extra to bring the realism in wrestling, I have seen this style of finish also in Matt Riddle matches, my only issue is this should be a thing in all matches and not just for one or two superstars other wise it looks silly
every match needs to be held under the same rules at one point the ref stops Low Ki from continuing an assault on Pillman to administer a ten count but other than last man standing matches it does not make sense. Overall this was a solid match.
Verdict: 3 out of 5 Stars
Singles Match
Timothy Thatcher Vs Tom Lawler
This is the match I was most looking forward to, a match that wasn’t going to be all about flying round the ring or any diving, just two big heavyweights who are just going to beat the hell out each other, thats not to say it would not be technical though, Timothy Thatcher is one of the best wrestlers going today and Lawler brings a legit MMA background, although he’s no Matt Riddle. This Match started as brawl, Tom Lawler since losing his belt, has become a little unhinged, so much more aggressive than usual. They spill to the outside before heading back into the ring, with some great technical mat work as they each worked and reversed submission's, with some stiff shots in there for good measure. This is followed by even more stiff shots and suplex’s. Cannot forget the suplex’s they really put on a master class of stiff shots and mat wrestling. No flips, no tricks, just wrestling, eventually Lawler gets the upper hand and manages to get the submission victory via a rear naked choke and then goes on to deliver a promo stating he is MLW for the long haul.
Verdict: 4 out of 5 stars
Stair Way To Hell Triple Threat
Jimmy Havoc Vs Bestia 666 Vs Mance Warner
I had no idea what a Stair Way To Hell match was, apparently its just barbedwire on a pole except not actually on a pole, but hung from the celling so you have to climb a ladder. This was just carnage and destruction Mance Warner face was bloody mess, there were staple guns, trash cans and ring boards you typical Hardcore match and even a ring crew member got injured. Eventually Mance Warner was able to retrieve the barb wire after climbing the ladder, but Bestia and Havoc are able to rip from his hands by double teaming Mance but this partnership did not last long so getting the barb wire was pointless. Mance Warner was able to get the pin fall over Bestia. I was happy to see this match end. There were a couple of spots which were a little uncomfortable to watch in my opinion but if you’re a fan hardcore/Death matches then I’m sure you will enjoy this. Unfortunately it was not quite over after the pinfall as Jimmy Havoc attacks Mance after the match to pile drive him on to guard rail.
Verdict: 3 out of 5 Stars
National Open Weight Championship
Singles Match
Champion Alexander Hammerstone Vs Davy Boy Smith Jr
Another heavyweight match, this was an old school match up. Could Hammerstone’s Raw power (this guy is so jacked) over come the strength and technique of Davy Boy? In the 80’s there was saying “Where’s the Beef” I found it, it was at the MLW PPV. After some stiff shots back forth they began to trade suplexes and as the match continues Davy Boy’s technique and strength was getting the better of Hammerstone. As Davey boy has the crossface locked in on Hammerstone, out come the Dynasty however Davy does manage to deal with them but the distraction was enough so that Hammerstone could whip Davy Boy in to the Corner of which Hammerstone had earlier ripped of the turnbuckle exposing the steal after Claymore type kick. Hammerstone went for a pin but Davy Boy kicks out, after a few roll up reversals, Hammerstone eventually gets the pinfall thanks to holding on to the ropes. These two giant men put on great match.
Verdict: 3.5 out of 5 stars
Heavyweight Championship
No DQ Singles Match
Jacob Fatu Vs LA Park
A great package to build the anticipation for this match, I was a little worried about this match as a main event, LA Park is not the athlete he once was, the no DQ helped with this as LA Park has become a hardcore brawler. Fatu on the other hand is one hell of athlete he’s not a small man, billed at 300lbs, although I honestly think its likely to be around 280lbs, either way, for man of his size he so agile. Pulling of moves he shouldn’t be able to. This match up was technically a Heel Vs Heel with LA Park being part of Promociones Dorado, which is a Heel Stable, but due to his legendary status, it is clear he is the crowd favourite. Not that Fatu didn’t have his fans in the crowd, its cool to like heels these days. The War of the Monsters kicks off with stiff shots and big suplexes, LA performs a suicide dive, I have to give it to him at his age, but its clear he hurts himself and on the outside it gives Josef Samael a chance to interfere, now Fatu can take control. Samael keeps interfering, taking his spike to LA Park’s head drawing blood. It starts to become, as they have prophesied, a massacre. Watching Fatu hit the springboard back flip moonsault is an incredible thing to see. LA Park kept refusing to give up trying to come back he hits a spring board cannonball that looked amazing. again he should not be doing moves like this at his age. Salina does her best to get crowd behind LA Park, but there are still chants for Fatu in the crowd. This match started to become more and more brutal as it went on. LA Park hit Fatu in the head with the ring bell splitting open the champ and making him bleed, the destroyer and the Samoan smashing machine live up to there names and Fatu hit an amazing Fosberry flop over the ropes to the outside (holy shit indeed). Fatu misses his moonsault and LA Park goes for the pin, Samael hits his fireball at the ref, then Salina enters the ring and in the confusion LA Park speared Salina through a table, Fatu hits Park with a Moonsault, 1,2,3 wow that was incredible.
Verdict: 4.5 out if 5 Stars.
Final Thoughts: Overall this was a great PPV, every match brought something different to table, no match looked the same, there was not a dive in every match. This is how you do a PPV. There is some great talent in MLW and AEW should make move for some of them soon before WWE does, in particular the bigger guys is definitely something AEW needs, as I realised whilst watching this that AEW’s 3 biggest competitors, their Monsters, are on the female roster Nyla Rose, Awesome Kong and Aja Kong.
Overall Verdict: 4 out of 5 Stars - if you like wrestling you really should find a way to watch this PPV.