Saturday the 26th of January, I visited St Ann's Emmanual Church for House Of Pain Wrestling. I have always had a soft spot for this venue, as it was the place I first saw a House Of Pain Wrestling show three(ish) something years ago. Through the recent months, St Ann's has been the place where newcomers have started their wrestling journey, and this week we got to see some of those newcomers and what they had to bring to the ring . Here is what happened at this months St Ann's show.

Match #1
Davey Thompson Vs Matt Shaw
I was really intrigued to watch this match, in my opinion 'The Loudmouth' Davey Thompson has been getting more aggressive with every match I have seen him in. So what did he have in store for the high flying newcomer Matt Shaw.
Well from the get go it was obvious that Thompson thought he was in for a bit of an easy time with Shaw. Thompson trying to get into the head of Shaw, being very intimidating even shouting it was "too easy" after delivering a full nelson slam. However the newcomer, not as easily shaken as Thompson thought, got up dusted himself off and retaliated with the exact same move that Thompson had dished out to him. Thompson not liking that he was made a fool of claimed to the ref that Saw was cheating. Taking advantage of the fact the ref and Shaw were confused and distracted, Thompson used some of his bigger hard hitting moves in what seemed an attempt to slow Shaw down. At first that tactic seemed to be working until Shaw got his second wind and flew around the ring, clearly hurt but wasn't letting that slow him down. Unfortunately Thompson soon gained control hitting Shaw and taking the pin for the win.
Match #2
Stevie Mitchell & Spike Cage VS The steel Brothers with Ella Violet

This match began with some amusing antics from The Steel Brothers, Firstly getting the crowd to cheer them as they stood tall in the corners of the ring. Only for 'The Guvnor' Stevie Mitchell and Spike Cage to try it only to be greeted with boo's. The crowd taking it one step further started a "tele-tubbies" chant, much to the amusement of The Steel Brothers. Not taking too kindly to their new given nick name, Mitchell and Cage attacked the Steel Brothers from behind. Both Michael and Christopher were one step ahead and showed Mitchell and Cage what they were made of. Having quite enough of being made a fool of Mitchell and Cage took a cheap shot to gain advantage over the brothers, and delivered a beating to Christopher. As it seemed hope was lost for the brothers Christopher made the tag to Michael who returned the favour to Mitchell and Cage, taking both men out. Christopher after getting his breath back was tagged in. Looking like The Steel Brothers were set to win, Christopher attempted a sunset flip pin on Cage who held onto the ropes, even aided by Mitchell who held onto the wrists of Cage. Luckily Michael wasn't too far away to offer support to his brother and drop kicked Mitchell off the side of the ring Christopher took the pin. During the celebrations of the Steel Brothers, Bully Boy Carter and Jon Allens (United In Violence) came to the ring and attacked The Steel Brothers. Ella Violet jumping to the aid of her boys, took a sidewalk slam from Cage for her troubles. After leaving The Steel Brothers and Violet scattered about the ring, it left fans wondering what the attack was about and why United In Violence felt the need to interfere.
Match #3
Nathan Nyx VS Bear Adams

Bear starting this match by playing games with the 'Pretty Boy' Nathan Nyx, threatening to punch Nyx in the face. Which being a huge fan of his own face, didn't take too kindly to that. In retaliation Nyx attempted to take Bear down with a series of shoulder tackles, which Bear was even happy to stand and let Nyx have a run up to absolutely no luck at even making Bear wobble. Nyx realising that Bear wasn't an easy opponent to take off his feet, attacked the knee of Bear, then proceeded to distract the ref. Whilst the ref wasn't paying attention Nyx unravelled his wrist tape and choked Bear with it. Through a series of moves attacking the injured knee of Bear, it seemed he was bested by the 'pretty boy' and unable to gain any momentum due to his injured knee. Nyx this time took the pin, leaving Bear in a lot of pain.
Match #4
Brad Matthews VS Dante Durden

With his recent return to House Of Pain Wrestling, I was looking forward to seeing Dante Durden, and to see how things had changed for him over his time away. Turns out he just got better. This match was exactly what you would expect from Durden, with his hard hitting kicks and his won't be beaten attitude. Although it seemed Durden may have underestimated the newcomer Matthews, who seemed to have a selection of big moves to hit Durden right back with. Durden looked set to win this match, then United In Violence again interfering in a match that wasn't theirs, attacked Durden. Luckily The Steel Brothers came to the aid of Durden, who won the match by disqualification.
Match #5
U.I.V with Brad Matthews VS Matthiaes Fenix & Ryu Genshin
This match started off pretty slow as Bully was reluctant to go any where near Fenix, as Fenix was threatening to make Bully dance. Not thrilled with the idea of being made a fool of, Bully tagged in his partner Allens before anyone had even laid a finger on each other. After Allens attempted to strike both Fenix and Genshin, the duo evaded every attempt with some matrix style moves. After some speedy moves from the duo, it seemed they were gaining some momentum until Allens stopped Genshin in his tracks. Bully and Allens then proved why they are a force to be reckoned with, by doing what they do best with some heavy strikes. As it looked like Fenix and Genshin were out of the running, a little help came in the form of The Steel Brothers. Who did no more than just stand at ring side, distracting Bully and Allens long enough for Dante Durden to get into the ring and in my opinion give United In Violence a taste of their own medicine, Durden hit Bully with his trusty kendo stick. Ref distracted by the chaos at ringside never saw the strike and as the match got back on track, Fenix and Genshin were able to take the pin.
Match #6
Tommy Taylor, Legion, Nyle Hind & Bijorn VS Big Mike Wylde, Ash Cady, Saj Malik and Joey Cement
With the history of Bijorn and the youngest member of House Of Pain Wrestling roster Joey Cement, Joey was eager to start the match wanting to get even with Bijorn. His team mates obliging, let Joey take his shot. Laughing at Joey's threats of chopping him, maybe Bijorn underestimated his young opponent. Joey took full advantage and stomped on the toes of Bijorn. Agitated that he had been bested by Joey, Bijorn got hold of Joey and went to pile drive him. Luckily Joey escaped and managed to tag in team mate Ash Cady. Cady bringing the fight almost got a win for his team, however the mean ways of Bijorn, Hind and Taylor took Cady down, who then took a beating from the pair. Cady managing to fight his way to his corner, tagged in the high flying Saj Malik. Using some of his most risky moves Malik didn't quite knock Taylor down enough as he made the tag to Legion. Who significantly bigger than Malik, Legion threw Malik around like a rag doll. No matter how hard Malik tried he just couldn't get to his team to make a tag. Malik looked out for the count until he managed to avoid a corner splash from the mountain that is Legion. Legion then made a tag to Bijorn who ran straight to Maliks corner and took out all his team mates. All except for Big Mike Wylde. Malik finally making the tag to his one remaining team mate. Wylde got in the ring and the inevitable happened. A total chop party. No one made it out without a chop from Wylde. As the match fell into chaos, everyone went to war with everyone else until Bijorn and Joey were remaining. Joey giving it his best and put up a good fight until Bijorn body slammed him onto the edge of the ring. The final battle came from Malik and Taylor. Malik looking set to win the match climbed to the top rope to put and end to the match, unfortunately Taylor wasn't as down and out as as Malik thought, and as Malik jumped from the top rope, Taylor super kicked Malik in the face and took the pin.
Afrter the show I caught up with Steel Brothers and asked how they felt their match went. Here's what they had to say.

Michael: In my opinion I thought the match went great. Before the match me and my brother both had ideas on how everything should go, and for us everything went to plan as soon as we came though the curtain. The crowd cheered and I knew it was going be fun. Once the bell rang a massive chant broke out everyone just started to shout Tele-tubbies at the two men who we were facing, to be fair they were both pretty big so I couldn’t blame the crowd anyway so the match started and we did our thing and through out the match we had the upper hand, no mistakes everything was going smooth so when it came to the ending my brother made a quick pin on one of them and got the one two three and the crowd went nuts. So with all that we are both very happy with how the match turned out we got good feedback and the fans loved it and to me that’s what matters at the end of the day so because there happy I’m happy and I’m always grateful for the opportunity’s I get in wrestling.
Christopher: I'd say for me is it was a very fun match, crowd was loud and cheerful, we got the upper hand early on in the match but momentum shifted after being thrown off the second rope! Spike cage and Stevie Mitchell are very hard hitters so it was quite painful but we managed to pull through with the support of the crowd and managed to pick up the win, we may be very sore but it's all worth it.
Photo Credit: Karl Brown
Until net time House Of Pain Wrestling. Until next time.
Brilliant. Also having an open day for his school on Saturday
Sweet. Well, I guess I'll have to start paying attention to the House of Pain pages again then!
I don't think Stixx would mind me saying that at the time I think he wanted to focus on his own promotion and family. But now the big man is back 👍
I am very interested to know that, thanks. I'd assumed it was to do with Harvey buying LCW and them famously not getting along so figured it'd only be a matter of time
Hi styxxfan. Yep many original names including all the ones you mentioned still there. Stixx runs 7 shows a month for HOP, with many awesome guys and girls. St Ann's is mainly used for the new talents. Also you may be interested to know stixx is out if retirement 😏