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Aspire Wrestling Alliance: New Year's Beatings Report

Writer's picture: Sarah DennisSarah Dennis

On the 13th of January 2019, St Martins Church in Derby became the host of Aspire Wrestling Alliance's first show of the year; 'New Year's Beatings'. With some big matches announced and the venue packed with excited fans ready to see what Aspire were bringing to 2019, it was set to be a good show. So here's what went down.

Match #1 Anonymous & The Fallen vs Arthur Cain & The Teenage Trailblazers.

This match was always going to be heated from the get go. Previously Jamie Flash was attacked after his debut match with his now tag team partner Xander Palmer by none other than The Fallen. It felt like scores needed to be settled. Not to mention that since Anonymous has been on the scene, he does not think twice about going through his opponents and doing what it takes to get the win. Add in the determined and not to be taken lightly Arthur Cain, a fight was definitely on the cards.

As Anonymous and The Fallen were gaining, with Evelyn The Fallen's right hand witch causing issues and attempts at cheating and Anonymous throwing Jamie into his team mates sending bodies everywhere hope for Cain and The Teenage Trailblazers seemed lost. However as a brawl on the out side of the ring between The Fallen and The Teenage Trailblazers erupted, Arthur Cain took the win for his team by hitting Anonymous, with his Bleak Midwinter and taking the pin.

Match #2 Jack Sparda vs Ritmo

After Sparda repeatedly subjects Aspire fans to the noise he calls beat boxing, Ritmo seemed like the perfect opponent to take young Sparda down a peg or two. The match began with the high flying Ritmo making a fool of Sparda, even hitting him with a move called "the silly salmon" which the crowd loved and began chanting for more. Sparda having enough of the games Ritmo was playing, hit the ref apparently by accident and whilst the ref's back was turned took a chaep shot at Ritmo. Sparda then took advantage and claimed the pin. Not a fan of Sparda's cheating ways the second ref came to the ring and after filling in the match official on what happened, the match was restarted. Ritmo made short work of Sparda this time round hitting him with a package piledriver and taking the pin much to the delight of the fans. To get an insight to whats going through the mind of the next challenger for the Aspire Champion title, Kiel invited Paul Malen to the ring for a short interview on what he was thinking and any plans he had for his championship match on Sunday 10th of February, when we return to St Martin's for 'This Means War'. Malen had some harsh truths for the champion Ronan about how he beat him twice, once via pin fall and once via submission. To say Malen was sounding focused and determined that he's going to beat Ronan in their best out of 3 match is an understatement.

Match #3 Kyle Kingsley vs El Desvalido

This is a match the crowd were definitely eager to see. For two men that seem to have mutual respect for each other and are both loved by the Aspire fans, would they both bring their best to the ring. Turns out YES! This match did not dissappoint. El Desvalido being the risk taker he is, gave Kingsley some of his biggest and most risky moves he has. Even jumping off the top rope into Kingsley who was on the outside of the ring! Not that Kingsley held back either. After giving El Desvalido a series of backbreakers during the match, it looked like either of these men could have taken the win. In the end it was Kinsley that bested El Desvaido hitting him with a superman punch into a cyclone backbreaker and taking the pin.

Match #4 DDA (Diamond Dave Andrews) vs Roarke

After Roarke seems to be on a streak taking out anyone that has been put in his path, Fan favourite Diamond Dave Andrews surly was the man that was going to stop the beast in his tracks! On this occassion it would seem not. Less than 2 minutes into the match Roarke hits DDA with 'The Big Ending' taking the pin. Is this Roarke just gaining more momentum? Or was DDA just not having a great day? I guess time will tell and we will watch this space. Seeing as we had Malen's views on the upcoming match at 'This Means War' Kiel invited Ronan to the ring to get his thoughts. After Kiel said something Ronan clearly didn't like, Ronan attacked Kiel and then frog splashed him not once, but twice from off the top rope. Having enough of Ronan's behaviour, none other than Aspires own Lightning Lewis ran to the aid of Kiel. Ronan, not taking too kindly to Lewis intervening, set on him too. Malen, seeing quite enough, came to the rescue. Could this be a war in the making for the young Lightning Lewis?

Match #5 United In Violence vs Skittles & Johnny Concrete

With the match set as U.I.V against Skittles, Skittles was left to find a tag partner. Not short of friends he called on none other than Beerwatch Johnny Concrete. With Skittles and Concrete being the fun loving people they are, it took no time before they started poking fun at both Bully Boy Carter and Jon Allens. first off proving that the crowd were fully behind the duo, and no matter how hard U.I.V tried the crowd just wouldn't play along. Skittles then got under the skin of U.I.V by nicknaming Bully Boy, Baby Boy and Allens' soft scoop. This seemed to push U.I.V too far and they attacked skittles and Concrete from behind. U.I.V being the heavy hitters they are did not go easy on Skittles or Concrete. Even threatening to harm Scarlet, the valet of Johnny Concrete making him jump off the ring to come to the defence of his long time friend. This caused Skittles to not be able to make the tag and take further beatings from U.I.V. Every time Skittles got close to making a tag U.I.V were one step ahead. After U.I.V knocked Concrete off the ring, Skittles finally made a tag to none other than ref and match official Neil Ayrton. Not one to miss out on a bit of fun, Neil took this chance to even the odds and gave a cutter to both members of U.I.V. Concrete making his way back to his corner Neil tagged him in. Concrete and Neil then issued a Beerwatch splash taking out both members of U.I.V. Unfortunately the advantage was short lived. Skittles was in for tag and as he had Bully Boy for a body slam, Allens from the outside of the ring grabbed Skittles by the ankles and pulled him over and held him down allowing Bully to take the pin.

Match #6 (Main event) Tommy Taylor vs Jordan Lee

Recently there has been a lot of heat between these two. After Taylor turned on Lee by super kicking him in the face. The pair have had many matches over the last couple of months, usually spilling out all over the building. So as a solution Aspire management set the two in a lumberjack match. The Lumberjacks consisting of Johnny Concrete, Skittles, Xander Palmer, Jamie Flash, Bully Boy Carter, Jon Allens, Stryker and Azreal. In a match so filled with hate, the pair definitely set out to destroy each other. After it seemed like Lee was gaining an advantage on Taylor, Taylor took full advantage of the Lumberjacks on his side throwing Lee smack bang in to the middle of them on a few occasions. Although the lumberjacks on Lee's side were quick to the rescue, evidence of the damage Taylor and his gang had done were beginning to show. However Lee's determination to make Taylor pay for what he had done never wavered. As a fight between the lumberjacks broke out, Taylor thought he would take the chance and attempt to hit Lee with his cane. Luckily there was one lumberjack who hadn't taken the fight to the back, Skittles.He grabbed the cane off Taylor and whilst Taylor was preoccupied with Skittles, lee took advantage of hitting Taylor with his ripcord cutter and taking the pin for the win. After the show, I caught up with Jordan Lee to ask how he felt his match went. Here's what he had to say. There was a lot going through my mind before going out and facing Tommy Taylor. Negative thoughts were trying to run through my head, trying to break down the gate of my mind. But what did I do? I kept the thoughts of what I was going to do, how I was going to make Tommy Taylor suffer in pain. I knew before hand I was walking into a battle. But I kept saying to myself over and over again “I ain’t leaving, without Tommy’s head!”

I did what I said to myself I was going to do after the match. But now, what’s left for me? What is left for Jordan Lee to do? Winning the Golden opportunity rumble at No.1. Being the one to defeat Roarke in his year streak. Having a 9 month streak of my own. To be honest, I never got my title rematch as Taylor cost me my chance. So, this is a warning to anyone. If you have a chance to step up to me, I want to pre-warn you that I ain’t holding back and will do anything to get that Aspire Wrestling Championship from whoever it is. Friend or foe I will prove that Viciousness is better!


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Jimmy Fucking Ray
Jimmy Fucking Ray
Jan 20, 2019

It certainly looks more impressive than that shitty fed in Swad we saw Rory and Dave wrestle at (before they went to Slam). Still want to see Bane vs. Malen though. Can someone make that happen?


Sarah Dennis
Sarah Dennis
Jan 18, 2019

Love it


Rory Bailey
Rory Bailey
Jan 18, 2019

Sarah, I was aiming that at Sarah Lort lol. Me and Dave used to be a tag team, I was King Rorster he was bane hence these shenanigans


Sarah Dennis
Sarah Dennis
Jan 18, 2019

King? King who?

I'm excited for Aspired future. Alot of potential, shows growing all the time and new venues being added it's an exciting time. 💛🦄


Rory Bailey
Rory Bailey
Jan 18, 2019

Jimmy, Sarah, where's your love for the King?

In all seriousness though, whenever I've been to an aspire show or training seminar I've always been impressed with the level of talent and potential there. Looking forward to continuing to watch them grow


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