In 2014, the Team Venom founders - Rory Bailey and David Burtson - went to the Showmasters London Film and Comic Con and met up with the former WCW superstar and one-time Sabretooth, Tyler Mane, for a quick chat about his history in wrestling, his acting career and some of his upcoming projects.
Rory: Firstly, thanks for taking the time to talk with us here at the London Comic Con, some people may not know but you were a pretty successful wrestler before transitioning to the big screen.
Tyler: Yeah, I wrestled in WCW, in UWF, I wrestled all over the world. Wrestled the UK greats, Big Daddy, Haystacks – all of them. Wrestled in Mexico, Japan,
Rory: With that said, who would you say was your favourite opponent?
Tyler: I don’t know, I had fun wrestling Andre in Japan. He was a big boy!!!!
Rory: You then transitioned from wrestling to films including the Halloween reboots and X-Men, what was your favourite acting role?
Tyler: Well, I’ve started my own production company now – Mane Entertainment – and we just did Compound Fracture and that was probably the most fun I’ve had working on a movie. I’m getting ready to film another movie in September and October called Penance Lane and hopefully that’ll be my favourite film so far.
Rory: Thanks for taking the time to talk with us as we know that time’s precious here.
Tyler: You’re welcome.