The Six-Step Process is a regular interview that we ran on both the Team Venom website and Team Venom Magazine and will run on this website on a regular basis. Basically we ask the same 6 questions in a kind of “quick-fire” interview with a random top British talent. This week’s 6-Step is with one half of UK tag team, The Lionhearts, Eddie Ryan
1. What got you into Wrestling?
To be honest, I didn’t have much of a choice! I was born into a family of young working parents, which meant I spent a fair mount of time being looked after by my grandparents, both sides of which loved to watch wrestling. While I was too young to remember, I was made to sit and watch WOS on a Saturday afternoon, re-watched taped favourites of my granddads, as well as be taken to live shows when they came by at the Guildhall or Pavilions (Plymouth). The hook for me wasn’t until my dad started buying the WWF tapes (which he claimed were for me, but clearly for him…) which started to boom in the late 80’s, when what we knew as professional wrestling was changed forever. All the glitz and colour, all the monstrous superstars and their entertaining promos, and all the new moves I could try on my brother when my parents weren’t around! The second I saw Macho Man come off the top rope at Wrestlemania 4, that was it for me, and loved it ever since. As for starting wrestling, that was a little bit different. I played football at a high level up until I was 18, and the went to university.
Towards the end of my degree I got itchy feet about joining the real world, and after a small chat with friends and family, I thought I would give a wrestling training session a go before i got too old. So I found a local school, not thinking much about it. It just so happened I met Joel Redman there, who told me I had potential and I would benefit from another training school. He put me in touch with UK Kid in Portsmouth, and David Sharp in Swindon. After meeting both, a session with each, and some kind words, I sat down with my parents and told them I was serious about giving wrestling a go. So a couple of months later I upped and moved, and I have been a part of the 4FW product ever since.
2. What has been your favourite match so far?
That’s a tough one! I have matches I like for different reasons, from a crowd reaction perspective, learning perspective etc. But because I am my own worst critic I pick everything I do apart and I am never 100% happy. But if I had to pick, it would have to be a match with Dave Mastiff in Bristol. Dave is a phenomenal talent, one of the very best in Europe. It was a massive test for me at that point in my career, and we had a good match and got a great reaction from the crowd, which is the main thing.
3. Who has been your favourite opponent?
Again, tough! Everyone offers a different style and different challenge, and I have had the privilege of gracing the ring with some truly talented people at different stages of their careers. With the likes of Dave Mastiff, Sha Samuels, JD Knight, Mark Haskins, Joel Redman, Saul Adams, Chris Andrews, Hunter Bros, RJ Brewer, Nick Riley, The Hooligans, T-Bone, Bubblegum, Doug Williams, Behnam Ali, The Bruisers, Antonio De Luca, as well as Ultimo Dragon, Robbie E and Masato Tanaka (in Japan), it really is hard to pick! & reading that back I have been very lucky!
4. What’s been your favourite town to work in?
I prefer the smaller venues, they are always more intimate, and you can build a better connection with the fans. The atmosphere always seems to be better too as everything is always more confined and close. 4FW Bristol has always been good to me. Then again, fulfilling a small goal of performing at the guildhall in Plymouth where I went as a kid so many times was great, and the reaction I got there was fantastic.
5. If you could work with anyone who would it be?
For me, at this level, there are so many talented guys I would like to have the opportunity to face. Charlie Garrett is set to explode IMO, and he deserves it as he is such a nice guy and so talented, and so I would like to get that opportunity. Rampage Brown is someone whose work I have admired for a long time.
6. What does the future hold for Eddie Ryan?
I am concentrating on tag wrestling this year as part of the Lionhearts, so looking to use that to finally break out on the UK scene and establish myself amongst the great crop of talent we have around the country right now. Working further afield in the UK, to be given the opportunity to start working in Scotland and Ireland where business is booming, as well as more opportunities around Europe are all on my list of things to do. Having already competed in Japan and USA previously, I know where I would like to go career wise, so hopefully one day the opportunity to try out will come up, but I have some seriously hard work ahead of me.