Saturday the 9th of February, I visited Beeston for House Of Pain Wrestling. This has to be my favourite venue for HOP. I have been to almost every show at this venue since starting here and the crowd by is far the best to be a part of, and the matches have always been fantastic.
Match #1
Troy VS Mark Lasek

As soon as 'Big Poppa Goose' Troy came to the ring he did what he always does, and that's to grab the microphone and make a speech. Now I would like to tell you exactly what he said, however I'm easily bored and his speeches all sound the same so I may have drifted in and out. The bits I caught were something along the lines of him being the 2018 Rumble winner and having a title shot blah blah blah. When his opponent Mark Lasek came to the ring, he made his own speech to Troy. Stating that Troy wasn't ready to be a champion so he should hand the opportunity to him. After some arguing Lasek suggested the match they were about to have should be for the title shot.
The match started with Lasek taking the first hold on Troy, which was a hammer lock. Taking a cheeky shot at Troy slapped him on the back. Troy not enjoying the fact he was being made a fool of rolled out of the ring. Closely followed by Lasek who chased him down and chopped him all around ring, ending the chase with a back body drop on the edge of the ring. Back in the ring Troy managed to get control of the situation, dishing out some hard corner shots and clotheslines. Lasek cut Troy off with a knee to the stomach and then tossed Troy out of the ring. Lasek following, Troy jumped straight back into the ring. As Lasek followed Troy hit him in an attempt to take a pin. With Lasek back on top he climbed to the corner top rope and jumped on Troy followed by a power bomb. Making the pin for a 2 count. Troy tried to fight back with a slam of his own and made the pin for a 2 count. However it was Lasek who ended the match making the pin for a three count.
After the match Lasek told Troy that he is not championship material and as he couldn't beat him, who is a former champion, and that he should hand the title shot over.
Match #2
Jon Allens & Brad Matthews VS Man O Wars

The match started with Brad Matthews taking the first hold on Owen Ocean, this was quickly turned around by Ocean. Matthews escaping made the tag to his partner Jon Allens, so Ocean made the tag to his partner Bear Adams. These two started with a shoulder tackle war. Each taking it in turns to try and knock each other off their feet. Bear taking his eyes off Allens got attacked whilst his back was turned. Bear fought back with a cross body to Allens. Allens then making a tag Matthews also tried for jumping cross body, only to be caught by Bear and body slammed. The Man O Wars then took corner to corner shots at Allens and Matthews even dishing out some of their best double team moves. Allens attempted to attack the Man O Wars team only to be thrown out of the ring. Matthews managed to take advantage of Ocean even getting a pin for a two count. Again both men made a made a tag and Bear took control of Allens. Matthews wanting to help his partner tried to intervene only to take a big shoulder tackle from Bear for his troubles. Bear making a tag to his partner Ocean the beat down continued up until the tables were turned and Allens tagged in Matthews, who held up Ocean for Allen to attack. However Ocean made a break for it leaving Matthews to take the spear from his own partner. Allens then thrown out the ring and kept occupied by Bear, Ocean was able to put a submission on Matthews who then tapped out!
Match #3
Tristan Wheeler VS Timber Wolfe

With Tristan Wheeler being one of Beeston's fan favourites, it didn't take long for him to encourage the crowd to "woof" at Timber Wolfe, which made the puppy incredibly angry. In an attempt for an early shot, Timber Wolfe ran at Tristan for a corner shot. Having his wits about him Tristan dodged out of the way and managed a couple of early two count pins. Timber Wolfe looking confused and angry rolled out of the ring. After gaining his composure he made his way back into the ring where he took control of Tristan, with some massive slams, even slamming him on the edge of the ring. Tristan was beaten down and Timber Wolfe ragged him around the ring like he was made of nothing. Tristan attempted a pin only for Timber Wolfe to kick out and continue the beating on the young cyclist. With Tristan in the corner Timber Wolfe made to charge at him, Tristan dodged and put a school boy pin on Timber Wolfe. Another attempt at a corner shot from Timber Wolfe that was also dodged where Tristan was able to put a few submissions on his opponent. Unfortunately Tristan couldn't make Timber Wolfe tap. Fighting up Timber Wolfe showed the ultimate disrespect to Tristan by using his own code breaker against him, not once but twice. This was enough for Timber Wolfe to take the pin for a three count and take the win.
Tristan left in the ring the fans were showing their appreciation for the fight he had just put up, when the boys from EBW, David Deville and Sam 'The Killer' Kenny made their way to ring microphone in the hand of Deville. It seemed all they came to the ring for was to insult the House Of Pain fans and to do further damage to the already injured Tristan Wheeler. Luckily there is always help near by and this came in the form of 'Diamond' Dave Andrews, Kyle Kingsley and Ritmo who ran to the ring to help out Tristan and to tell the EBW guys to go find a third person and prepare for the main even where it will be EBW VS House Of Pain.
Match #4
Danny Chase VS Johnny Concrete

Recently there has been a war between 'The Legend' Danny Chase and Ritmo. At last months Beeston show Chase hand picked Ritmo's opponent, which was 'The Tank' Jackson Bane. This month it was the turn of Ritmo to pick an opponent for Chase, or as Ritmo would say "Danny Cheese" and he did not disappoint. As the music for the mystery opponent hit the youngest member of the HOP roster, Joey Cement made his way through the curtain. To cheers of the crowd however Chase and his side kick Sam Spencer fell about the ring laughing. Luckily for Joey he was closely followed by none other than 'Beerwatch' Johnny Concrete and the smiles soon faded from Chase and Spencer. Whilst Concrete made his entrance, Chase attempted an early lead and dived at Concrete, only for him to side step leaving Chase to fall to the floor. Chase running away was then subjected to the loudest and longest "Chicken Legend" chant I have ever witnessed. Chase then running at Concrete ran straight into a hip toss and then was put in a head lock. Concrete then dragged Chase around the ring even making time to go have a drink from his pint whilst doing so. After a bit of a beat down Chase was in the corner and we all could see what was about to happen. Yep, a Baywatch splash. Concrete then getting Chase sat on the top rope, bounced him until he fell to the centre of the ring. Concrete then on the outside of the ring was attacked by Spencer, even holding Concrete up for Chase to dive at. Throwing Concrete back in the ring Chase did everything he could to keep him off his feet. Chase then throwing Concrete out the ring, distracted the ref allowing Spencer to attack Concrete even more. Again holding Concrete up for Chase to do another dive, Concrete broke free leaving Spencer to take the hit from Chase. Back in the ring Concrete gave some hard clotheslines to Chase and set him up for a second Baywatch splash, and it was at this point I wondered how many years of my life I had spent just watching Baywatch splashes. Seriously, so slow. Any way as I was saying. Spencer came to the rescue of this one and pulled Chase out of the way. After a bit of a battle Chase was in the middle of the ring and Concrete climbed to the corner top rope and went for a frog splash that Chase rolled out of the way. Chase then attempted a piledriver on Concrete only for it be reversed. Strikes were exchanged between the men and Concrete gained the advantage by a big boot to the face of Chase. Spencer then pulled Chase out of the ring and took him back stage for a bit of a time out. Shortly after Chase was dragged back to the ring by Ritmo. As Chase was thrown back into the ring he took a body slam followed by a leg drop from Concrete, who then took the pin for the three count.
Match #6
Team Nottingham: 'Diamond' Dave Andrews, Kyle Kingsley & Ritmo
Team Sheffield: David Deville, Sam 'The Killer' Kenny and mystery partner 'The Tank' Jackson Bane.

With team Nottingham in the ring, I was interested to see who team Sheffield had found for their third member, and it didn't take long for us to find out. As the Elite British Wrestling guys made their way to the ring they were accompanied by none other than HOP's very own Jackson Bane! I know the guy is big, mean and scary but what was he thinking? Why had he turned his back on HOP? I was excited to see what was about to go down.
Before the match started the match official banned Timber Wolfe from being at ringside, who was there to support his team mate Jackson Bane. Just as he disappeared behind the curtain a brawl between the six men erupted in the ring. Spilling to the outside where there were bodies everywhere. Eventually the HOP guys gained a bit of control, and set team Sheffield guys in what can only be described as a chair train. All three HOP guys then ran around the ring gathering speed and kicked team Sheffield guys straight off the chair train. Deville and DDA were the first to make it into the ring and the match could officially start. After both men looking equally matched, DDA made a tag to Kingsley and Deville tagged in fellow EBW man Kenny. Kingsley took complete control and issued a few of his famous back breakers to Kenny. He's not called 'Bees knees of breaking backs' for nothing after all. The traitor, I mean Tank then tagged himself in attacked Kingsley and dragged him to his corner, where he distracted the ref to allow his team mated to cheat. Then through a series of tags between team Sheffield the beat down continued on Kingsley. Kenny this time distracting the ref allowing his team mates to do further damage to Kingsley. Deville tagged in carried on the work that Kenny had started. Kingsley finally managed to fight his way to his corner where a fresh Ritmo was waiting. As he entered the ring he was like a mad man and took everyone out even throwing Deville into Tank, knocking him off ringside. As all Team Sheffield were on the outside of the ring and Team Nottingham on the inside. Ritmo did a Leap assisted by his team mates to the outside. Unfortunately Tank made his way to the inside of the ring unbeknown to the distracted Kingsley and DDA, and took the pair out with a double clothes line. It then became a match of The Tank VS Ritmo. Ritmo tried some of his best high flying moves only to be caught by Tank and slammed. DDA finally tagged in showed exactly why he is the Heavyweight Champion taking out anyone that was in his path in a way only DDA can. Giving three massive kicks to get The Tank off his feet it looked like Team Nottingham was set to win. Unfortunately it wasn't enough to keep the big man down who fought to his feet and with a massive slam to DDA made a three count pin and took the win for Team Sheffield, much to the disappointment of the HOP fans.
After the match I caught up with 'The Tank' Jackson Bane to have a little chat with him to see what was going on and here is what he had to say.
Why did you choose to side with Team Sheffield?
When it was announced that House of Pain would be facing Team Sheffield from EBW, why was The Tank not chosen to be a part of Team Nottingham? I can understand Diamond Dave Andrews. He's your champion, and rightfully so after taking the great Paul Malen past his limits in December for the title. But Kyle Kingsley and Ritmo? I've never been pinned by Kingsley. I've never been pinned by Ritmo. In fact, I've never been pinned once by anybody. So when Deville and Kenny needed a tag team partner, they took one look through the whole House of Pain locker room, and picked the only person they knew could get the job done.
How did you think the match went for you?
As far as the match itself, there may have been a few hiccups in our game plan, but at the end of the day our hands were raised. The fans call me a traitor. Well this 'traitor' pinned your Heavyweight Champion. Love it or hate it, the line for a title shot starts directly behind me. And for those who don't like it... what do they honestly think they can do to stop me?